Conditions It Treats
We’re all for the smiles and laughter that cause your lines, but we’re here to help relieve the less welcome side effects. From forehead creases to crow’s feet, we can smooth your skin with personalized treatment for a rejuvenated, youthful complexion – and natural confidence.
Put your best face forward! Our expert cosmetic team gently and naturally shape the face for a more youthful, lifted look – no invasive surgery or downtime required. Correct asymmetry without changing the character of the face. Restore the contours of your brows, nose, cheeks and jawline for your most impressive first impression.
Juvederm fillers lift and restore the facial features that can start to lose elasticity and volume over time. Target problem areas to transform your appearance to reveal a rejuvenated and more youthful you!
Whether they are adorned with a beautiful red or a beautiful bare, your lips tell a story. Enhance their shape and volume with a quick, non-invasive filler treatment for a naturally plumped pout.
Dysport Pricing
Member Price/Unit $3Dysport
Non-Member Price/Unit $3.50What Is Dysport®?
Dysport® is a neuromodulator that works similarly to BOTOX®. It contains a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin A, which blocks all communication between the brain, nerve signals, and muscles. The muscles responsible for causing your brow to furrow also cause frown lines over time.
As your skin thins and the natural aging process begins to affect your appearance, those expression lines begin to develop and worsen because your skin can’t bounce back as easily as it once could. Your body produces less hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin, which changes the structural integrity and strength of the skin.
These aging-related changes are the cause of frown lines, and even though there are topical products that claim to strengthen the skin and eliminate these lines, it takes weeks to months to see even the slightest difference in your appearance after use. Cue Dysport®, a fast-acting anti-aging injectable that can smooth these lines at a rate and in a way that topical products alone cannot.
Patients with frown lines can experience all the benefits of Dysport® after one quick treatment. This product is safe and effective and can meet the needs of patients with mild, moderate, and deeper frown lines. Some of the other treatment benefits include the following:
• Treatments are quick and can even be scheduled during a lunch break if necessary
• Results appear within the first few days
• Results will last for months
• Maintenance treatments can extend your results indefinitely
• The results look completely natural
• It can be combined with other anti-aging treatments and injectables for enhanced results
• There’s no social downtime
What To Expect
treatment length
10-30 minutes
post treatment
minor swelling, bruising
expect results
results last
6 months to 3 years
Results will vary per person. Please book your complimentary consultation so we can answer your specific questions about Juvederm and our expert team will provide a customized treatment plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
There’s no social downtime after this anti-aging treatment. It’s one of the reasons it’s such a popular lunchtime injectable because patients can resume their normal daily activities, including going back to work after a treatment. We will provide you with some very specific aftercare instructions, and you must follow them because your results hinge on your willingness to comply. Aftercare instructions include the following:
• Keep your head elevated for at least four hours post-treatment
• Temporarily discontinue using blood-thinning supplements and medications
• Avoid workouts for 24 hours post-treatment
• Avoid environments that increase your body temperature
Once your results set in, you can enjoy them for approximately three to four months. The length of your results ultimately depends on your body and how quickly it metabolizes the active ingredients. For most patients, this typically happens at the three to four-month mark but can last longer. Those who are slow metabolizers can enjoy results for five to six months.
Once you undergo your first treatment, you can watch your results after the first several weeks, and once you start to see your expression lines gradually re-appear, you can schedule a follow-up treatment.
Say Goodbye To Your Frown Lines
Frown lines can make you look unapproachable, old, and tired, but with a customized treatment plan, we can safely and effectively eliminate them so you can enjoy smoother, wrinkle-free skin. Whether you’re looking to schedule a treatment with this neuromodulator or combine treatments and other options to address additional skin concerns, we can help meet your needs with an individualized treatment plan.
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