Conditions It Treats
If you’re tired of hiding blemished skin, you’re not alone! When you meet with our specialists, we’ll help personalize a laser acne treatment plan paired with physician-grade skincare regimen to clear stubborn blemishes and make hiding from acne a thing of the past.
Laser acne treatments aren’t just for removing blemishes. This powerful technology activates components in the skin like collagen to rebuild skin cells and reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Let’s face it, while they play an important role in the skin’s health, pores aren’t meant to be seen. Enlarged and congested pores are an unwelcome nuisance. Decongest and minimize the size of your pores with targeted laser resurfacing treatments at Dolce Vita Med Spa.
Smooth, brighten and tighten. The skin’s tone and texture is the first sign of aging. Laser acne treatments help to remodel your skin cells and reveal an even tone and smooth complexion.
If you’re tired of hiding blemished skin, you’re not alone! When you meet with our specialists, we’ll help personalize a laser acne treatment plan paired with physician-grade skincare regimen to clear stubborn blemishes and make hiding from acne a thing of the past.
Laser acne treatments aren’t just for removing blemishes. This powerful technology activates components in the skin like collagen to rebuild skin cells and reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Let’s face it, while they play an important role in the skin’s health, pores aren’t meant to be seen. Enlarged and congested pores are an unwelcome nuisance. Decongest and minimize the size of your pores with targeted laser resurfacing treatments at Dolce Vita Med Spa.
Smooth, brighten and tighten. The skin’s tone and texture is the first sign of aging. Laser acne treatments help to remodel your skin cells and reveal an even tone and smooth complexion.
What To Expect
treatment length
10-30 minutes
post treatment
minor swelling, possible bruising
expect results
results last
few months to a few years
treatment length
10 - 30 minutes
post treatment
minor swelling, possible bruising
expect results
results last
few months to a few years
Results will vary per person. Please book your complimentary consultation so we can answer your specific questions and provide a customized treatment plan.